EngWise is an original project by Mila Yermolaieva

For those looking for the perfect balance between the task of "learning a language" and the rest of life's aspirations:

on the non-aggressive integration of English and other languages into life and career goals

Busy professionals,

facing professional challenges in English. Constant full-time employment makes it difficult to achieve goals, which requires skilled resource allocation and effective process optimization.

IT professionals,

those who need the language to solve everyday work problems: not to wait for the translation of professional materials, but to master the latest technologies immediately, to communicate successfully with colleagues and clients, and to feel more confident in doing so.

Those who are moving or have moved to an English-speaking country,

those who need to adapt their English to their environment, reduce stress in communication situations and communicate according to context and tasks.

I help adults solve practical tasks in English under constant time and attention pressure.

I support career changes: changing jobs, moving to a different position and/or team, helping to prepare for a performance review.
Career growth is a complex task, and its realization can be hampered by communication incompetence: as a highly qualified specialist, you may not be perceived as such in the eyes of your English-speaking colleagues. I can help you communicate more easily in the work situations you encounter most often. Improve your pronunciation or add highly specialized vocabulary to the vocabulary you use every day. Prepare for an important job interview or public speaking engagement.

I make moving to an English-speaking country easier
When emigration is no longer a dream, but a goal, or even a circumstance, I can help you create an educational path. We'll set anchor points to connect your life and language plans and fit them into a given timeframe. We can help your brain stress less and prevent anxiety from taking over.

Helping you adapt to a new country
The first goal has been achieved: the move is over. The sooner you adapt to your new environment, the easier it will be to get your life back on track. You are now feeling the pressure of the environment and are much more dependent on your ability to understand who is speaking or writing and to communicate your thoughts in response. I can help you analyze situations in which you have felt out of control, or tasks that you have been unable to complete, so that you can prepare yourself, at least mentally, for the challenges ahead. In your situation, a Ukrainian-speaking teacher (as opposed to a native speaker) can help you understand the complexity of the subject much faster and with less stress by explaining it in Ukrainian and then monitoring your mastery of the material in English.

Practice expressing yourself in language situations that arise while traveling
If it's important for you to speak English while traveling, you can model real-life examples such as "Drinking a beer in a bar," "Communicating with a guide," "Planning a trip in an unfamiliar country," "Reading local forums to be prepared for difficulties," "Dealing with medical issues," "Collecting local folklore and stories," and any other tasks you'd like to learn to solve in a safe environment.

I channel my natural curiosity into broadening my horizons and cultural enrichment
To communicate with people beyond the usual segments of the Internet, watch TV shows without dubbing, and read even complex, professional texts in the original. Consume content without feeling uncomfortable, without waiting for someone else's translation, and have direct access to the most relevant and interesting trends. Don't believe you can do it? Let's find out together!


Hello! My name is Mila. I am a linguist-translator by profession, I teach English and look for interesting things in the English-speaking world.

  • BA, MA Linguistics & Translation Studies (English, French, Russian), 2010-2015 — linguist-translator.

  • Since 2013 I have been creating individual learning paths and helping adults choose the right speed, pace and method to achieve their language goals.

  • Since 2020 I have been helping professionals from various fields to solve their career problems.

  • I choose techniques from different industries: Agile, andragogy, neurolinguistics, coaching methods, especially for people with concentration problems.

  • I can work with special requests, for example English for the Maritime Industry (A1-B1 levels), English for Medicine (GP, EM) (A1-B2 levels).

  • I will help you create and enhance your professional image and communicate it convincingly in situations that meet your professional goals.

  • In addition to working on a standard schedule, I offer special conditions for people whose employment does not involve a stable schedule. For example, the contract may provide for the possibility of adjusting and adapting the meeting schedule on a weekly basis.

New Year 2020. A corset, a walker, crawling to the balcony. Enjoying the fireworks.

I'm 26: three months ago I fell from 5 meters and landed "successfully" on my right leg. My leg is ready to argue whether it was lucky or not, but I still have my life. To be more precise, my second life has begun, although the first one had enough challenges.

The word SURVIVE appeared on my flag before the rest of the world. The pandemic immediately reshaped humanity's plans, just as the trauma reshaped me and my inner circle. I learned that at first everyone is ready to help you, including financially, but soon you are left alone with your challenge. I understood very well what my students feel when they decide to start a new life in a new country. From scratch.

Luckily, my clients were waiting for me, and I was waiting for them: the first people I called from the ICU were them, not my parents. "I had a bad feeling. As soon as you get a chance, tell me what happened. The day after I got home from the hospital, I worked online from my bed. Not everyone has that luxury.

I prepared for the second scheduled surgery, realizing that the quality of the contact hours would be zero (you have to admit that it would be difficult to teach from a common postoperative ward). I went and learned from Vera Nepomnyashchykh the intricacies of adapting the program for asynchronous teaching.

And indeed, even from a hospital bed, it was possible to check language assignments, exchange voice messages with students, and keep up with the language work schedule. Work is like a lifeline: hold on to something understandable and predictable, where your experience means something, when the surrounding reality leaves much to be desired.

By the New Year 2021, I had learned to walk again, removed my "fidelity belt" (a rod device for fixing the pelvic bones that my cat had already adapted as a bed), undergone two surgeries, and all sorts of things that healthy people fortunately do not have to face.


It's not easy to have a bunch of different interests: you have to figure out how to fit in everything you want to learn.

Right now I am:

1. Intensively consuming of content about working in an English-speaking environment, studying language models and "formulas" of politeness. It seems that soft skills are only needed at a basic level: not being late, saying hello, chatting at the water cooler. But for a successful career, it's just as important to be able to politely disagree with a speaker at a meeting and firmly, yet politely, defend your point of view. Analyze your initial reactions: When someone disagrees with me, do I ask why? Am I willing to share the context and information that shaped my point of view, or do I take the "I know best" position?
There is a lot to this point: courses, books, observations in the field, accompanying people in their job search and analyzing their path. Recent videos of those I liked: one, two, three. It's a useful book. I know you probably won't start reading it right now, and maybe you'll never take my recommendation, but it's really good!

2. Practicing calligraphy and study Ukrainian cursive.

3. Preparing Dungeons and Dragons sessions for group classes, for which I read up on how to improve my skills in leading sessions. I was a player for many years, and being on the other side of the table is a challenge, albeit an interesting one. I'm accepting it.

I have described only those areas in which I do something on a regular basis and, as they say, "on assignment". In addition to purposeful search and study, something interesting always comes up along the way. These facts, while useful now, will come in handy in the future: at the right time, I will pull them out of my sleeve, flashing knowledge or a non-standard angle on a task.

The question is, how do I manage to do it all? So far, I have decided that there is no way. Choose what you want to advance in and sit down to the rest according to your mood. Observe your inner state: how does it feel to begin a certain activity: is it a meditation or a duty? Is it appropriate to discipline yourself now, or is it better to lie in bed with a tiktok and cats for as long as you need to lie down?

There are reference points and there is life that moves along and over them. The more synchronized we are with ourselves, the more we can achieve while maintaining our mental balance.
To hell with balance! Being in sync with yourself just helps you move, no matter what.

to be continued…



If you want to get on the fast track to an all-star profile, which is necessary in order to effectively promote yourself within the network, I offer you two options to work with me: Linkedin Profile Audit and Linkedin Profile Design in English.

profile audit

100 Euros

  • Defining the target audience of your profile and formulate the tasks the profile should solve, taking into account your goals.

  • Considering ways to make sure your profile really helps you solve the tasks you selected.

Linkedin Profile Design in English
250 Euros

  • Assistance with creating your LinkedIn profile.

  • Defining your profile's target audience and the tasks you want to accomplish with your profile.

  • Writing content for all the fields in your LinkedIn profile and a list of actions you should take to get an all-star rating.

  • During the final consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have.

profile audit

100 Euros

  • Defining the target audience of your profile and formulate the tasks the profile should solve, taking into account your goals.

  • Considering ways to make sure your profile really helps you solve the tasks you selected.

Linkedin Profile Design in English
250 Euros

  • Assistance with creating your LinkedIn profile.

  • Defining your profile's target audience and the tasks you want to accomplish with your profile.

  • Writing content for all the fields in your LinkedIn profile and a list of actions you should take to get an all-star rating.

  • During the final consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have.


Language Skills Audit
100 Euros

  • for those learning the language on their own;

  • for those whose learning environment has changed and it is not clear how to organize the process in the new situation;

  • for those who want to learn something new about how to diversify the language learning process and combine it with their interests to reach a new level;

  • if you want to make sure you are on the right track.

Classic one-on-one format
(Not) a lonely wolf

from 120 euros per month

  • for those who prefer to work on their language in the presence of a teacher rather than alone;

  • for those who value the regularity of meetings (including the possibility of flexible scheduling);

  • for freelancers, IT professionals, doctors and anyone who works on an unpredictable schedule.

Language Skills Audit
100 Euros

  • for those learning the language on their own;

  • for those whose learning environment has changed and it is not clear how to organize the process in the new situation;

  • for those who want to learn something new about how to diversify the language learning process and combine it with their interests to reach a new level;

  • if you want to make sure you are on the right track.

Classic one-on-one format
(Not) a lonely wolf

from 120 euros per month

  • for those who prefer to work on their language in the presence of a teacher rather than alone;

  • for those who value the regularity of meetings (including the possibility of flexible scheduling);

  • for freelancers, IT professionals, doctors and anyone who works on an unpredictable schedule.

A value is a way of being or believing that you hold most important.
Brene Brown


  • Responsibility.

Our professional relationship is governed by a contract that ensures transparency in the language learning process. By honoring my end of the agreement, I expect the same attitude from the student and an active position in case these conditions need to be revised.

  • Comfort of interaction.

There is no "I" in the educational process, there is a "we". We create a space for respectful, trusting, and ecological communication. This helps to manage anxiety, environmental pressures, and internal perfectionism.

  • Feedback as the key to mutual understanding.

  • Efficiency.

Learning a language is a process that requires your immersion and willingness to put in the work, even if you don't find the technique that works best for you the first time.

  • Balance.

It's okay to go at your own pace. You can achieve a goal quickly, at a sprinting pace and with high energy expenditure. You can "hurry without rushing" and recognize that the current level of result is not the conquest of Everest, but this result is commensurate with the effort invested. I am ready to help you recognize and validate this. Our professional relationship is governed by an agreement that ensures transparency in the language learning process. In order to keep my side of the bargain, I expect the same attitude from the student and an active position if it is necessary to revise it.


«There is no progress!»

You can achieve any language goal on your own, even if it sounds unexpected coming from a teacher.Most of you are able to integrate the language organically into your life and learn it effectively.At the same time, progress may seem insufficient, which can be disastrous for motivation: I'm studying, studying, trying, but the goal is still over the horizon.It is important not only to set the right language goal, but also to develop the ability to set your own criteria for success and to monitor your progress.Often there is progress, but it is measured by the wrong metrics. A person makes an honest investment, but chooses the wrong vector of movement. They learn words in lists, ignoring collocations and context. They learn to listen. But they choose material that is too difficult when it looks easy. In my practice, there was a case where a junior biology student chose Robert Sapolsky's lectures as study material: the overwhelming density of thematic vocabulary made comprehension an energy-consuming task for him, and "Oh, my God, I don't understand anything!" was a natural result.

A teacher's ability to show you your progress in learning a language may not be rocket science, and it may even be taken for granted. But the teacher has studied adult learning methods, time management techniques, and progress assessment criteria to provide the right amount of motivation for a specific type of nervous system: yours.

Those who can learn a language on their own often prevent themselves from achieving their goals due to banal errors in the organization of the learning process. This is the methodological part, which is usually the teacher's responsibility.Without creating and maintaining the feeling of "I am good", sabotage occurs. At the same time, if you praise yourself every 5 minutes, you won't get anywhere.Balance is important, and you need to be able to define what learning success is and what its parameters are.Part of my job is to:

  • identify blind spots,

  • highlight growth points, and

  • to help optimize the organization of the learning process.

During the audit, we:

  • review your current language level.

  • evaluate the conditions under which you are working toward your goal.

  • identify the place of the language in your daily life.

  • we will compare this with the desired level of presence in your weekly routine.

  • develop a realistic plan to reach your goal.

You are not the mythical student with unlimited time and energy, and for that reason alone you will have no problem fitting a foreign language into your schedule.
The more successful you are in your adult life, the less trivial this task will become.
📣 For those who want to understand in detail why there is no tangible progress in learning English, I have developed the Language Audit service.The goal is to help you determine or adjust your language learning strategy. In one hour we will discuss not only your current level, but also the conditions under which you are working towards your goal. We will look at the place of the language in your daily life and compare it to your desired level of presence. We will look for and choose the options that suit you, to make the process of language acquisition easier and faster.At the end of the meeting, you will receive a document with recommendations for your specific language learning process, as well as answers to any questions you may have had during the meeting.

💰The cost of Reality-check is 100 Euros. Payment in UAH is possible
🕐 The duration of the meeting is 1 hour.
The effectiveness of our meeting depends on the quality of your preparation. On average, you will need 1-1.5 hours to complete the questionnaire and prepare for the audit. Please do not ignore this phase.

Examples of the final document from Reality-check

M., preparing for a Master's degree in Prague in one year, worked as a translator, wrote a diploma in English, high level.
Audit objectives: discuss CPE needs (if any), identify areas for growth, assess career prospects and competitive advantages.
See the final document for M.

P., student at an international university.
Audit objectives: To determine the strategy for further work on the language, to assess the level of the language in terms of career prospects.
See the final document for P.

S., a student from the Czech Republic, plans to become a programmer.
The goals of the audit are to understand how to approach language acquisition and what actions to take. At the moment, many things are causing difficulties and it is necessary to think about how to make the best use of the time available for language learning.
See the final document for S.

(Not) a lonely wolf

Everything I do in my profession is aimed at those who are looking for the perfect balance between the task of "learning a language" and the rest of life's aspirations. That is why I experiment with the choice of methodology and formats for language learning.I choose techniques from various fields: Agile, andragogy, neurolinguistics, and coaching methods, especially for people who have difficulty concentrating.

My students tend to have a life that is in full swing.

  • a top executive often works with me in the car on the way home because his schedule does not allow for any other time to prepare for regular reviews and presentations of his projects and accomplishments,

  • a top doctor works with me in between seeing patients and attending endless conferences and training sessions because it is important for her not only to read (she already does) but also to speak English with her colleagues and patients,

  • an IT specialist with experience in building work and business processes at the team, department and company level is working hard to improve her competence in the business environment of another country,

  • a busy photographer finds time to talk to clients and models on a professional level on the way from one plane to another, between shoots and meetings,

  • someone who is "just" doing household chores, although they are subject to the "top level" of management that is inaccessible to most people in a regular job.

We discuss

  • fictional and real life topics like FOBO-FOMO and how to resist it,

  • how to keep your mental health on a somewhat normal level in times of war, secular scandals and the global agenda,

  • and how difficult it is sometimes to be human. The one who is just human, not a superhero at all.

These discussions, driven by current interests, create a unique and inimitable soil for your new skills and abilities to flourish, for your language skills to grow, and for you to reach new heights not only in the classroom, but in life.

What life goals can be achieved with the help of language?

  • Get a higher position or present yourself at a better level. How can English help you achieve this? For example, in 2-3 months of regular classes you can learn how to pass a job interview, acquire the necessary specialized vocabulary, or prepare for an important speech.

  • When emigration is a dream, a goal or a necessity Even if you have already emigrated, you may still need to improve your language skills. And even when you're traveling, English will come in handy, so you need to prepare for that.

  • If you want to communicate with people not only from your own segment of the Internet, and watch TV shows without dubbing and read books, even untranslated, even complex, professional ones. Consume content without borders, without waiting for someone else's translation, and have access to the most relevant and interesting trends. Don't you think you can do it? Let's find out together!

Collaboration formats:

1. Individual lessons (2 SLOTS AVAILABLE):

  • 4 meetings of 60 minutes — 120 Euros.

  • 4 meetings of 90 minutes — 180 Euros.

  • 8 meetings of 60 minutes — 220 Euros.

  • 8 meetings of 90 minutes — 320 Euros.

Payment in UAH is possible.

Currently, there are 2 places for those who would like to meet with me personally online and for whom it is important to be in constant contact with themselves, the language, the learning process, and the teacher.

2. Agile Sprinter:

For those who want to achieve a specific language goal in 3 weeks.I use the Agile methodology adapted to language learning. Suitable for students with a high level of proficiency, it helps to get out of the routine and diversify the learning process to feel like a winner.

  • Спринтер-початківець: 3 тижні, 9 зустрічей по 60 хвилин.

Beginner Sprinter: 3 weeks, 9 meetings of 60 minutes each.
We set, clarify, achieve and reflect on language goals.
The regular price is 250 Euros,
For the first three participants in the format — 220 Euros1 PLACE AVAILABLE.

  • Experienced sprinter: 3 weeks, 9 sessions of 90 minutes each — 350 Euros. The perfect format to reach your language goal quickly and without homework.

Payment in UAH is possible.

3. Asynchronous navigation (4 SLOTS AVAILABLE):

Classes with a minimum of face-to-face interaction.You work at your own pace on the materials provided, receive feedback, and also go to speaking sessions to update your language skills.
It is ideal for students who cannot commit to a full hour of face-to-face meetings on a regular basis and who are able and motivated to do some homework.
Fees are quoted per calendar month.

  • 60 minutes per week (3 asynchronous tasks + 1 speaking + chat feedback) — 90 Euros.

  • 90 minutes per week (4 asynchronous tasks + chat feedback + 30 minute online feedback & speaking session) — 130 Euros.

  • 120 minutes per week (task details on request) — 150 Euros.

Payment in UAH is possible.

I have never met anyone who is "untalented" in languages and I believe that there are no people who are not smart enough, no one who is untalented, no one who has lost the opportunity to learn a new language because they are 25-35-45 years old. My students are first and foremost people, and they manage to surprise themselves and conquer new peaks and hills, each at their own pace.It is important to notice victories. Notice that today you managed to remember that stupid word, and the lyrics of the songs are gaining meaning and volume before your eyes. To see that there is progress and that there is something to measure it with and someone to help you measure it. To know that if something is difficult, you are not doomed, you have just entered a zone of growth.

Terms and Conditions:

  • I work under contract.

I make sure that our workflow is transparent and manageable. Before we start working, we sign a subscription agreement that specifies the time of the lessons, the number of meetings per week, and the responsibilities of each party. For example, a subscription can include 4 to 12 sessions per month, each of 60 or 90 minutes.

  • I select all the material according to your needs and interests.

Each of my students learns the language for his or her own purposes. I choose the tools based on your specific information perception, learning pace, strengths and weaknesses.

  • We weave the language into your life, not subordinate your life to the language.

Depending on your workload and schedule, you have the option of choosing regular slots or discussing a schedule for a period of time in advance. For example, we can meet on "Tuesday-Thursday" or we can work out a schedule that says, "This week I have time on the following days; what's convenient for you?

You can get to know me and discuss working conditions with me during a free 20-minute interview:

LinkedIn profile audit

If you have an active LinkedIn profile and want to increase your visibility and start building your network of contacts.During the audit:.1. We will define the target audience for your profile and formulate the tasks that the profile should solve, taking into account your goals.
2. We will consider ways to ensure that your profile will actually help solve the selected tasks.
The cost of a LinkedIn profile audit is 100 Euros. Payment in UAH is possible.After payment, you will fill in a detailed questionnaire, we will arrange a meeting, and based on the results I will prepare a final document with recommendations for designing a LinkedIn profile to achieve your career goals within 10 working days. You can implement these recommendations on your own or with my help.

Addressed to:

  • professionals who are using LinkedIn to find a new job;

  • business owners who use LinkedIn to promote their services and find partners.

🏅 Why me?

  • I know how LinkedIn works.

  • I solve presentation problems based on a pre-formed understanding of how people in that circle will evaluate the candidate. To do this, I take specialized training, including paid training, and gain practical experience by solving applied problems for clients:

  • I assist people in their job search (from proofreading their resumes to helping them negotiate the offer stage),

  • I develop my career thinking,

  • I study how people not only successfully reach the offer stage, but also grow within the company and remain valuable professionals even in difficult times,

  • I learn and develop professional communication skills.

  • I am willing to learn more about how your topic or field works.
  • I understand the uniqueness of your situation and your profile as a professional.
  • I am familiar with writing texts in English that reflect what you want to express. You are responsible for what you want to reflect (what class N specialist you consider yourself to be). And I will help you to present yourself as a class N specialist.
  • I am ready to give you as much attention as you need until we get a good result: in addition to the standard package of services, an hourly option is also available.

Linkedin profile design in English

If you don't have an active LinkedIn profile and would like to change that and start building your network, I can help you create your profile in English.The service includes:1. Audit your LinkedIn profile (if you have one) or help you create one.
2. Defining your profile's target audience and the tasks you want to accomplish with your profile.
3. Writing content for all the fields in your LinkedIn profile and a list of actions you should take to get an all-star rating.
4. During the final consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have.
After payment, you fill out a detailed questionnaire, we arrange a meeting, and based on its results, within 10 business days I prepare a document with texts to fill out all the necessary fields in your profile, after which you fill out your profile yourself. At the final consultation, we will evaluate the results and you can ask questions about further actions to promote your profile.💰 Creating a profile on LinkedIn - 250 Euros. Payment in UAH is possible.

Для кого:

  • professionals who are using LinkedIn to find a new job;

  • business owners who use LinkedIn to promote their services and find partners.

🏅 Чому я?

  • I know how LinkedIn works.

  • I solve presentation problems based on a pre-formed understanding of how people in that circle will evaluate the candidate. To do this, I take specialized training, including paid training, and gain practical experience by solving applied problems for clients:

  • I assist people in their job search (from proofreading their resumes to helping them negotiate the offer stage),

  • I develop my career thinking,

  • I study how people not only successfully reach the offer stage, but also grow within the company and remain valuable professionals even in difficult times,

  • I learn and develop professional communication skills.

  • I am willing to learn more about how your topic or field works.
  • I understand the uniqueness of your situation and your profile as a professional.
  • I am familiar with writing texts in English that reflect what you want to express. You are responsible for what you want to reflect (what class N specialist you consider yourself to be). And I will help you to present yourself as a class N specialist.
  • I am ready to give you as much attention as you need until we get a good result: in addition to the standard package of services, an hourly option is also available.

Reality-check reviews

Individual lesson reviews

LinkedIn career troubleshooting

Below are the cases of my clients. Permission to publish has been granted.

Transitioned from Russian-language copywriting and journalism to English-language marketing.

Updating a LinkedIn profile after changing careers and adapting to new circumstances: from employee to business owner.

Designing a LinkedIn profile for a professional presentation to expand the range of opportunities.

Rebuilding a LinkedIn profile, preparing for behavioral interviews.